Strata offers services to mining, civil and industrial firms requiring geotechnical or environmental information or design related to:
Site investigation, testing, modelling and design for:
Mine Planning - site investigation for mine layout, including advice upon citing of key infrastructure and effluent/tailings treatment dams to maximise efficiency and minimise environmental impacts.
Mine Effluent - flow modelling, quality testing, design of treatment and disposal systems.
Life-of-Mine Environmental Monitoring - soil, surface and groundwater, air, dust.
Mine Closure - planning and rehabilitation.
Mining exploration site rehabilitation.
Geotechnical drilling and testing, expert advice for:
Roading and Pavements
Cable and Pipeworks
Soil/Rock/Aggregate Testing
Fill Testing - for suitability for reuse or off site removal to EPA standards.
Soil and Water Management - for bulk earthworks and rehabilitation.
Environmental Compliance.
Assessment, testing and reporting associated with:
Site Investigation - for contamination (soil, air, surface and groundwater), underground storage tank removal.
Geotechnical Testing - for construction of heavy infrastructure such as hoppers and cooling towers.
Soil/Rock Testing - for pipeline or underground cables routes and well as telecommunication towers and bulk storage facilities.
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA).
Effluent/Biosolid management and reuse schemes.
Waste Management.
Environmental Monitoring.
Working with industry to secure project approvals and to facilitate project development and compliance.