Strata specialises in the design and constriction of onsite effluent treatment systems for all areas where reticulation offsite is not viable. Strata can offer turn key solutions for all wastewater treatment and disposal options from single residences to small communities, mining and rail camps and in sensitive areas such as national parks.
Strata provides services in onsite effluent treatment and management for:
Residential Properties in areas where a sewer connection is not possible or too expensive.
Commercial Operations- such as hotels and resorts which have considerations centred around peak loading, variable waste streams and limited dispersal space.
Mining and Industrial Effluent Treatment – focusing upon turning environmentally hazardous effluent into a valuable resource for diverse industries as Coal Seam Gas Extraction, base metals, coal and iron ore mining, processing facilities.
Agricultural Settings and Sports Grounds – designing and modelling municipal effluent reuse schemes
Strata has capabilities in the following areas:
Site Assessment - including geotechnical characterisation, in-situ permeability testing, environmental sensitivity modelling.
System Design based upon information gathered throughout the site assessment as well as financial, environmental and logistic factors.
System Installation, Monitoring and Maintenance.
Diagnostic Assessments of existing systems given poor performance or a proposed increase in loading from operations or infrastructure expansion.
Detailed site investigation and client consultation to produce affordable solutions to onsite effluent treatment and management using the philosophy of converting a waste product into a resource